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Why you shouldn't utilize plaid and a different style of painting.

Yeah yeah, its been a month since I posted anything - but to be fair I was doing stuff. But all of them are Limbo of the Lost related, and the Let's Play to be specific. Limbo of the lost already makes you feel like you're playing it out of context, and seeing comics of a bearded man performing acts of wanton violence isn't going to help any.

Anywho, the first image up is a sort of simple design thingie. I wanted to get some practice with just regular design stuff, the kind of things that go on bags/stuff or in the background of bigger pieces. Everything in here is great on its own, but in concert looks a little jacked up. I think if I tossed the blue plaid background and threw out the clover leaves, it might look okay. The tree is my favorite part.

In the second painting, I was trying to experiment a little bit in color, for when I paint I use a lot of tints and shades rather than cool and warm colors. It's not perfect, but it is a step in the right direction. The beads, the tassels and the smaller stones are my favorite parts. The nose and eyes, urgh. I'll give it another shot later, and try to expand the colors a bit more.

Up next: some Merlin, some logos, and perhaps an oil painting!


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